
你可以具体的描述出客户试图完成的某项需求,可以是功能性的,比如从A点到达B点,也可以是社会性的, 比如给朋友和同事留下深刻印象, 也可以是感性的,比如获得内心的平静等。
您从中可以找到”痛点“, 痛点会让客户感到烦恼,客户希望避免的痛苦或负面结果。如对现有需求解决方案的挑战、挫折、风险或障碍的不满等。
另一方面,就是客户也有G(兴奋)点, 它描述了客户如何衡量一项成功的事项,从中所能得到的好处,收益。是客户希望实现的积极的结果, 比如具体的结果、利益甚至是需求的愿望。
用它来设计、测试和评估你的价值主张,直到你能找到共鸣的东西。通过在对客户重点关心的点的观察,设计你的产品、服务和功能,在如何埋点和创造收益之间建立清晰的联系, 你就可以找到一个健康的商业价值模型。
优秀的价值主张瞄准重要的客户需求或者痛点以及兴奋点, 并在这方面做得非常好。你的客户资料可能包含了无数的痛点和兴奋点,但你的价值地图只要突出了你打算关注的那些地方即可。
The value proposition canvas explaineddesign products and service customer want
Every day, companies design products and services to improve their customers lives.But 72% of new product and service innovations fail to deliver on expectations.This means that customers don’t care about seven out of ten new products introduced to the market.It doesn’t have to be this way.Just like you create value for your business with a business model, canvas, there is in fact a tool to intentionally visualize design and test how you create value for customers.It’s called the value proposition canvas.The value proposition canvas is composed of two parts, the customer profile and the value map.With the customer, profound, you describe the jobs your customers try to get done.Jobs can be functional, like getting from A to B, social, like impressing friends and colleagues, or emotional, like gaining peace of mind.You highlight your customs pains, which annoy customers were trying to get a job done.Pains and negative outcomes that customers hope to avoid, like dissatisfactions of existing solutions and challenges, frustrations, risks or obstacles.And you outline customer gains, which describe how customers measure the success of a job well done.Gains are positive outcomes that customers hope to achieve, like concrete results, benefits and even aspirations.The customer profile to visualize, test and track your understanding of the people or companies you intend to create value for. It’s a map.Clearer the more you learn about your customers.The second part of the canvas is the value map.With it, you list the products and services, your value proposition builds on.You describe in which way these products, services and features are pain relievers.How they eliminate, reduce or minimize pains. Customers care about making their life easier.Outlining which way they are, game creators, how they produce, increase or maximize outcomes and benefits that your customs expect, desire or would be surprised by.The value map makes explicit how your products and services relieve pains and create gain.Use it to design, test and itrate your value proposition until you figure out what resonates.You achieve FIT by creating a clear connection between what matters to customers and how your product services and features is paying and create gains.Great value propositions target essential customer jobs, pains and games and do so extremely well.Your customer profile may contain countless jobs, pains and gains, but your value map highlights which ones you intend to focus on.Don’t forget.An outstanding value proposition can still fail if your business model is a flaw.Successful companies embed outstanding value propositions in scalable and profitable business.The value proposition canvas to create products and services that customers want get started.





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